Tests for specialists – personality and mental capability
The tests are developed by Tripod and are intended for assessing people working in specialist positions. Tests come especially in handy when choosing people for more complicated jobs that involve processing of information, non-standard operations and decision-making. The results are generated in comparison with the average results of the general population.
The Specialists’ Personality Inventory measures five essential characteristics (emotional stability, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness to experience) as well as three subscales for each scale.
The Specialists’ Mental Ability Scale measures verbal, arithmetic, spatial and general mental abilities.
If you wish to start an assessment, we’ll need to know your purpose (recruitment, in-house assessment, etc.) and the contact information of the people you wish to assess (name, telephone number, e-mail address). We’ll contact them, arrange the assessment, give each participant their individual feedback and make you a comprehensive overview of the results.